In this article, you will learn how to write a song and also direct it to a particular audience in order to acquire a fan base or their repetitive attention.
Writing a song can be a very straightforward process. Write a poem, make it rhyme, give it a key on an instrument and boom! you just wrote yourself a song. But marketing that song is where the complexity starts. That’s why only a few artists ever see the limelight.
Welcome to CuriositySound, this is the place for all those who want to convert their curiosity in music production/music-making into action and begin their journey.

Find your Target Audience
The very first piece of advice that anyone who knows how to market any sort of content will give you is to find your Target Audience whether you are trying to sell a pen or a song. In addition, finding a target audience is the most crucial part of marketing your song/ art.
Division of Target Audience
This article has been divided into two main parts:
- 1. How to find an Audience
- 2. How to write a song for a Target Audience
1. How to find an Audience
Finding an audience that relates to your genre, lyrics, and sound is the key to developing yourself as an artist and making new fans or supporters. But before you start thinking about your audience think about who you are? What kind of an artist are you? What are your core values as a musician? Which kind of things do you relate to and what perspective can you bring to the table?
For instance, finding the correct answers to the above questions can take time and are bound to change over time especially if you are in the beginning stage.
Therefore, Once you have a good understanding of who you are as an artist, what perceptions people might have once they first see you and hear you and what kind of messages are you capable of passing onto different audiences with your art form it’s time to start searching for your target audience!
The number one tip for finding already active and relevant audiences is to look at artists who you think are similar to your sound and style of writing.
For example, if you are a rapper who likes to rap fast, talks about social justice issues you might want to look at audiences of rappers like J. Cole, Logic, Kendrick Lamar and Eminem as these artists tend to have audiences that like to consume that type of content and are more likely to listen to you and give you a follow.
Moreover, Keep in mind that the more you know about the audience the less it is. You need to constantly learn about the preference of your audience in order to keep making relevant content.
Remember in music people relate to your personality, they value who you are & what you stand for, as you are constantly selling yourself to the public.
Watch How To Find Your Target Audience (Fan Base):
2. How to write a song for a Target Audience
Once you have a good idea about who your target audience is whether it is female or male, within the age group of 24 to 35 or 14 to 22 you should start writing songs for them!

To write for a particular audience ask yourself these questions:
- *Audience Preferences: What does my audience want to listen to?
- *What are they missing out on?
- *Audience Education: What can I educate them about?
- *Your Unique Perspective: What do they need & want to listen from me?
“When you have some basic answers to those questions! pick up the pen or open the memo on your phone and get ready to add your element and rock it !”

- 1. The title comes first– Firstly, Pick a title that you consider to be eye-catching and which will relate to the type of emotions/message you are trying to express.
- 2. Secondly, Derive a list of questions from the title
- 3. Time to decide the song structure- Thirdly, song structures can be different for different genres. Pick the one that suits your genre the best. If you are writing on a beat pick the pattern your beat is made on.
- 4. Answer a question each in the chorus and the verse. – Chorus is the part of your record that will be repeated the most time. It is also known as a Hook as it repeats itself. A verse is a standard structure of lines/bars that are aligned together to tell a story or give out some context.
Friendly Reminder to Drink Some Water!
- 5. Find the melody. -Pick the lines you like best for your chorus. Say them out loud and sing them with the most emotion and exaggerate the emotion in the lines. Notice the natural rhythm and melody of your speech when you say the lines with lots of feeling. This is the beginning of your chorus melody. Play with it until it feels comfortable.
- 6. Add chords to your chorus melody. – Try a simple, repeated chord pattern. Play with the melody and chords until you find something you like. Record a rough vocal – even if it’s only on your iPhone.
- 7. Pick a question to answer in your first verse – Make it the one that will draw the listener into the situation.
- 8. Connect the verse and chorus.
- 9. Make your second verse and bridge. – The bridge section adds a peak emotional moment to your song, a realization, or an “aha!” moment. The bridge is the transition from the ending of your 2nd verse to the hook. It’s used to keep the attention of the listener as it endures change.
- 10. In Conclusion, Record your song and Have Fun!!
If you wanna learn how to make beats on your own feel free to click here. As learning how to make your own beats often opens a new level of creativity for artists who make music.

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